PA City Lot Deed


Out of stock

SKU: RDA03 Category:


These Place Anywhere (PA = NPC, Story, or POT Towns!) City Lot deeds are sold out in the store – but can still be traded between players.

City lots are located in almost every village, town, and city across New Britannia. The City Property Deed measures 40 x 60 meters. There are many benefits to being a property owner in SotA, including:

    • There are many benefits to being a property owner in SotA, including:


      • Having a permanent residence, a place to put down roots, to hang your helmet, to decorate to your taste, to invite your friends over to hang out.
      • Provides a location for you to have a vendor to sell your wares.
      • Provides a location to set up private crafting stations, saving you the trouble of visiting public crafting stations to produce your wares.
      • Plant your own gardens to grow whatever you need.
      • Dramatically increases your storage space. Your house can be filled with decorations, and you can place chests at your house to expand your player inventory.

There is only a finite amount of land in SotA, get your Place Anywhere City deed now!

(NOTE: City Lot Property Deeds have an in-game currency tax that must be paid monthly or the lot location reverts to being available to claim and the Lot Deed is returned to the owner. All lot deeds are transferable between players.